What we Focus on Expands, so Give Love

Life is a choice. It’s up to us how we choose to experience our lives. We can wake up in the morning, feeling the doldrums, stomping our feet, and shaking our first at the world for another cold, rainy day.  Or we can choose to see life as a glass full of amazing potential; like golden sunshine eager to part the clouds and show its face for another extraordinary day.

The mind is incredibly powerful, and “What we focus on, Expands.”  In the most simplified terms, the neurons in our brain cells are electromagnetic, therefore magnetically drawing to us exactly what we ask for, no matter how wonderful or awful that may be.

For most of my life, I believed my future was bright, but I was still waiting for that day to appear.  As a result, I was always focusing on what was missing, rather than having gratitude for what was already there.  Since I’ve consciously shifted my outlook, my life has (not coincidentally) changed. Today upon waking, I stretch my arms to the heavens and say thanks.  I vocally proclaim, “Today is the best day of my life, and no matter what happens, I choose to be Happy.”  And it absolutely works.

A big part of living is being present to life unfolding around us and choosing to see the blessings in each moment.  If we choose to focus on what we don’t have, we will undoubtedly have more… Lack.  Emptiness.  Sadness.  Fear.  Doubt.  Worry.  Anxiety.  Poverty.  Pain.

If we listen to dark, angry music or watch movies filled with heavy violence and morbid negativity, our subconscious mind is being filled with more of the same, subsequently lowering our vibration.  Similarly, if we choose to associate ourselves with people who are constantly complaining about their lives, over time if we aren’t aware of it, it will knock us down too. We’ll relate to their story and slowly start speaking their language.  Eventually, like a pit of quick sand, we’ll sink further and further into the hole of despair, wondering how the heck we’re gonna pull ourselves back out.

Everything is energy and we are all much more sensitive than we understand. As someone who is very aware of the energy around us and within us, I can feel the difference between the light and the dark.  And I choose the light, always.

So on the flip side, if we focus on the beauty and brilliance in this world, guess what will be drawn to us?  Beauty.  Joy.  Abundance.  Love.  The Universe is abundant, and there is no shortage for anyone. First we need to trust and believe that we are always supported and then we need to feel that to be true.  And in order to feel it, we need to clear out the gloom, to make room for the light to pour in.

If you aren’t sure how to create more Love and Joy in your Life… MC Yogi has a powerful song to dance you out of despair.  Make the words your personal mantra and it will surely reprogram your subconscious and transform your life.

I was on a walk the other day, and as I turned on this song, I felt my body loosen, my heart open and suddenly I was dancing down the street, gleefully shaking my hips and awkwardly pumping my fists to the joyous rhythms.  I didn’t care if my neighbors were watching and laughing, in fact, I was welcoming it.  Perhaps my ridiculousness would shake someone else out of their misery.

So today, I welcome you to dance with me.  Open your heart, let the music move you, and allow yourself to be transformed by Love.  The truth is, “If you want Love, you’ve got to give Love away.”  Remember, “What I Focus On, Expands” so let’s expand our ability to Love and Be Loved, by letting MC Yogi’s uplifting melody bring us back home to our Hearts.

Altogether now…. One more time… From the top…. GIVE LOVE.  GIVE YOUR LOVE AWAY.

Until next time —

In Spiraling Love & Dancing Light,

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Lyrics by MC Yogi (So you can sing along with me)

“Hush little darling don’t you cry,
Every little thing’s gonna be alright.
Don’t worry don’t be afraid,
Every little thing’s gonna be okay.
Open up your heart, unlock the cage,
Turn the key and break the chains,
Love will always find a way.
If you want love, you gotta give love away.

Give Love. Give your love away. Give love. Don’t be afraid.
Give love. Give your love away now.  Give love. It’ll be ok.
Give love. Give your love away.

Love is life and life is living,
Living is love and love is giving,
When we live for love it gives life meaning,
When we live to give love, there’s no greater feeling.
This feeling of kindness when loves inside us,
Nobody can sell this or try to buy this,
Cause love is priceless and it guides us,
Lifts us up and ignites us,
Love can bind us and remind us,
Love has no limit cause love is timeless,
Hate and fear will try to blind us but love unites us nobody can fight this,
Cause love is righteous,
And it might just save the whole world from this global crisis.
Throw your hands up if you know what the time is,
Open up your heart and let it shine the brightest.

I believe the very best philosophy,
Is when we live to give love with generosity.
Giving consciously and constantly,
When we all give love there’s no stoppin’, we
Just open up the door and let your love pour.
When you open up to love you can never be poor,
Cause there’s always more inside the core,
Way more in store than you can bargain for.
An infinite supply for us to share,
So just throw your hands up in the air,
Wave ‘em all around the atmosphere,
Show the whole world how much you care.
We gotta give everybody love and respect,
Cause what we give is what we get, c’mon,
Always remember, never forget,
What we give is what we get.

Hush little darling don’t you cry,
Every little thing’s gonna be alright.
Don’t worry don’t be afraid,
Every little thing’s gonna be okay.
Open up your heart, unlock the cage,
Turn the key and break the chains,
Love will always find a way.
If you want love, you gotta give love away.

Give Love. Give your love away. Give love. Don’t be afraid.
Give love. Give your love away now.  Give love. It’ll be ok.
Give love. Give your love away.”




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