A Solo Journey: The difference between Fear and Truth

“E proprio la possibilita di realizzare un sogno che rende la vita interessante.”
“It is the possibility to realize a dream that makes life interesting.”
Paolo Coelho
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The beginning of any solo journey is never easy. You are chartering your way into the unknown.  You have ideas of where you are going, but anything can happen. The road lies open.

We call it a journey for a reason.  Because there will be hills and ravines. You may be asked to scale dangerous terrain both physically and internally, facing parts of yourself you didn’t know existed, or consciously choose to ignore.

But with a journey, you may also be shown magnificent beauty, within yourself and within others, seeing a world that you would never have known had you stayed within the comforts of home.

It is within those comforts that fear resides, afraid of what might happen if you go and worse if you don’t, where you’ll find yourself forever living with regret for a dream unlived, and freedom unrequited.

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