Hope is Everywhere


Photobombed by a seagull at the #eiffeltower #paris #pinchme
Photobombed by a seagull at the #eiffeltower #paris #pinchme

Hi new friend, my name is Hope.

I was born in 2010 in beautiful Vancouver, BC. My mom, Kirsten, loves elephants.

Mom named me after her first foster elephant in Thailand whom she loves very much… she told me that I reminded her of him. He was courageous, cute as a button and had a playful spirit just like me.

I have many likes, because life is beautiful and there is so much to be grateful for in each and every day.

My favourite past times are:

  • Travelling to new places (I like it best when I don’t have to ride in the backpack but can sit on the seat like a normal travel companion),
  • Meeting new people (I have so many different friends now from around the world),
  • Selfies (I actually call them ele-fies but that’s just me),
  • And spreading some Big Love.

I may be little but my heart is huge. That’s what mom always says. We love hugs.  Heck, I mean I’m an elephant…. we’re all about love, family, loyalty.

I’ve heard stories about my ancestors walking hundreds of miles just to find their lost loved ones. They never forget, no matter how hard they try.

One day, I hope to visit my home land of Africa with mom… and meet my ele family trunk to trunk…

But until then, I’ll keep spreading the BIG LOVE, one photo at a time… reminding us to laugh a little more, be kind to ourselves and each other, and most importantly that….

Hope is Everywhere.

Kirsten Sonya Hansen Final Logo white background-baby elephant



Follow me on mom’s instagram… so you can see that in fact, Hope is Everywhere.

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