The Poetic Reflections of Relationships and Mirrors

“The people we are in relationship with
 are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs 
and simultaneously we are mirrors, reflecting their beliefs.
 So, relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth….
If we look honestly at our relationships
, we can see so much about how we have created them.” – Shakti Gawain

We all have certain ways of being with others.  Sometimes we know what we are doing and other times, our actions and behaviours are completely unconscious. If we are aware of our “issues”, we usually don’t like to acknowledge them to avoid shining light on our shame.  Well, I’m gonna go against the traditional rules of poker, and show you my hand.

I have had certain “habits” in my friendships and relationships. I have put others needs ahead of my own.  I have sacrificed myself for another’s wellbeing.  I have assumed to know what is best for them and what they are thinking, needing or expecting, and took action to make them happy, in an effort to avoid putting them out. I have tried to rescue friends and lovers from their pain, all the while, waiting for them to value me in return.  I have waited for them to see me.

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